Decoding the Diver

A story about a world record-shattering free diver named William Trubridge, the genes that may explain his success, and a company racing to fill in the gaps in our genomic knowledge.
Part 1 of this series
Decoding the Diver
William Trubridge is shredding world records in free diving. Is the secret to his success lurking in his genome?
Part 2 of this series
The Genetic Secrets of the World’s Greatest Free Diver
William Trubridge’s genome reveals some of his superpowers — and why his training is riskier than he ever imagined. Part two of a three-part series.
Part 3 of this series
The Deepest Free Diver of Them All
Facing troubling news in his DNA, William Trubridge displays a competitive advantage not found in his genome: equanimity. Final chapter in a three-part series
By on Mar 30, 2017
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